Aquí es doy algunas razones Porq’ a los chicos les gustan las chicas? 1. Ellas siempre huelen bien, aunque solo sea el shampoo forma en q su cabeza siempre encuentra el lugar en nuestro hombro 3. lo lindas q se ven cuando duermen 4. la facilidad en q se enroscan en nuestros brazos 5. La forma en q cuando te besan, todo en el mundo parece estar bien 6.Lo simpáticas q se ven cuando comen 7.La forma en q demoran horas en aprontarse para salir, pero q al final. Vale la pena toda la espera. 8.Porq ellas siempre están tibiecitas, aunque afuera hayan 30 grados bajo cero. 9. Porq siempre se ven bien, sin importar lo q usen 10. la forma en q siempre buscan cumplidos, aunque ambos saben q tu piensas q ella es la mas hermosa en todo el planeta. 11. Lo simpáticas q se ven cuando discuten 12. La forma en q su mano siempre encuentra la tuya 13. La forma en q sonríen 14. La forma en q te sientes cuando ves su numero en el identificador de llamadas luego de una pelea 15. La forma en q dicen :” no peleemos mas” aunque tu bien sabes q una hora después.... parecen no recordar haberlo dicho. 16. La forma en q te besan cuando haces algo lindo por ellas 17. La forma en q te besan cuando les dices “ te amo” 18. En realidad... solo la forma en q te besan.... 19. La forma en q caen en tus brazos cuando lloran. 20. Luego la forma en q se disculpan por haber llorado por algo estúpido 21. La forma en q te pegan y esperan q te duela 22. La forma en q se disculpan cuando realmente duele( aunque nosotros no lo admitamos) 23. La forma en q te dicen “ te extraño” 24. La forma en q la extrañas 25. La forma en q sus lagrimas te hacen querer cambiar el mundo para q deje de llorar... sin importar si la ama, si la odia, si deseas q se muera o sabiendo q te morirías sin ella... eso no marca la diferencia. Porque una vez en tu vida, sin importar lo q sean para el mundo, se convierten en todo para ti. Cuando las miras en los ojos, y ves en lo profundo de su alma y dices un millón de cosas sin sentido, ahí es cuando sabes q tu vida esta inevitablemente dependiendo de los latidos de su corazón. Las amamos por un millón de razones, ningún papel hará justicia, porq no es algo de la mente, sino del corazón. Un sentimiento q solo sentimos cuando estamos con ellas.
viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010
orq’ a los chicos les gustan las chicas?
Posted by V.Alice at 18:21 0 comments
sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010
viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010
:D ♥
NUEVA actitud
NUEVA historia por vivir
&& el mismo AMOR por TI ♥
Posted by V.Alice at 18:47 0 comments
jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010
Una vez que empiezas a sentir "celos" YA ESTA TODO MAL, eso es señal de que te estas enamorando...
Posted by V.Alice at 10:30 0 comments
sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010
lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010
Dejα sαlir esα {sensuαlidαd}, que me llevα α un punto donde explotα mi mente & lα imαginαcion, y provocα deslizαr cαdα pαrte de tu cuerpo y quedαrme plαzmαdα en tu mente ♥
sexy is stαnding in the rαin;
as You push me up agαinst the hood of your cαr;
{teαrin} my shirt;
as you K I S S me with the intent to never never s t o p. ♥
Posted by V.Alice at 17:28 0 comments
sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010
ese color amarillo dentro de tus ojos es completamente único!! hay algo mágico dentro de ellos que me deja sin palabras!!
Posted by V.Alice at 11:39 0 comments
jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010
nurse and girl
A Schoolgirl & a Nurse are inside the elevator.The door on the 14th
floor opens. They see a guy runnin' towards them. But the Nurse presses
the "close door" button immediately.Schoolgirl: Why did u do
that?(Shaking)Nurse: I know him! He was one of our patient who died
yesterday. Did you see the red tag on his wrist? We... put red tag ...on dead patient.The Schoolgirl raises her wrist and whispers:"Like this?
Posted by V.Alice at 16:45 0 comments
When I see you & I'm ready to make my move.but I'm scared & i know that you got better things to do.
Amor... 4 Letras tan majestuosas Que Pueden Envolver al Mundo♥
we dont need to rush things. if something bound to happen, it will happen.. in the right time, with the right person && with the best reason
we may fall in love fast but sometimes it wont last. we may flirt & take off our shirts but then it wont be worth the dirt. we may have flings even if we already have rings & still end up with the one who gave life its true meaning.
People are everywhere,
but true love ?
It's very RARE !o nuestro a es pasado pero no se ke hacer con esta soledad ke me lleva a
un abismo buscare mil razones para ahora llorare el vacio ke deja tu
adios :(No Dejes Pá Mañana Lo Que Sientes Por Dentro- ;D
when i'm sad...what i have is ONLY MUSIC AND ME... :((
NuncaConfies en las "amigas" de tu novio -.- ♥
ou cant predict what's bound to happen.. but sometimes, the thing you didn't expect is what you really wanted after all. maybe the best thing to do is to stop trying to figure out where you're going and just enjoy where life takes you
"iF I teXt YOU it means that I rEmEmbEr YOU, But iF i caLL mEaNs that I'm mISSiNg YOU..and If I say sTay w/ me it mEans..i wAnT to bE wiTh YOU FOREVER..
Beauty does not make love,but loves make beauty.Break everything but never break a Heart, A heart is like Music, play it but never play with it... ♥
isn't it nice to find someone who will turn your heartaches into smiles? Someone who will rebuild your world better than before. Someone who is worth loving. Someone who can be yours. And lastly, Someone whom you can say, "If having you is waiting, and waiting is pain, Then Pain is worth having.+
i'm not a thing so top using heart is not toy so stop playing w/ it...i'm serious so don't just joke w/ me...hmm?
when im in the mood for DRAMA..they say im HEARTBROKEN... when i'm in INSPIRED... they would say I'M INLOVE... whatever they say this is me
when i close my eyes...all i can do is think of you!!!!
it felt like i was showered w/ a water full of ice...i felt so weak...i feel so knees are shakin..i was about to fall but i need to be strong.. i dont want them to see love makes me weak...
it's really hard to pretend ur OK when ur really NOT... it's really hard to smile when ur about to's also hard to tell them that u'll be fine w/out him/her... when u really want to him/her to stay...what's hardest is..tellin them YOU don't love him/her when u still really does!!
There are 4 things you can never recover: The stone..after the throw. The word..after it's said. The occasion..after it's missed. The time..after it's gone...
sometimes..eventhough we really feel we want to cry...we still need to smile... when u feel so down u still need to show them ur strong...eventhough ur so weak...
'su mente está en las nubes, que hace difícil de concentrar en algo en este mundo'ç
sometimes a girl's silence is her loudest cry for help....
i wish love isn't awkward..
i wish there's no busted involve in love
so no one's getting hurt by wasting i put on my make up put a smile on my face...and if everyone ask me everything is laughin coz no one knows the joke was on me...and im dying inside with my pride and a smile on my face...
u realized that u want to leave me...go ahead and don't hesitate to tell me... u will not hear a single word from me...i won't even shed a single tears for you...i will just put a smile on my face...and shout it out in my mind.
i wish i was a rain...and u we're the ground..whenever i keep on fallin..i will always fall on you...
In a don't need to set's how u understand each other..coz there's no need for rules when you're LOVING..RULES IS SET ONLY FOR GAMING...
falling inlove is a great feeling but its also taking a risk of getting hurt!!
“If you find something real, never let it go.”
We do things for a REASON..
They say that time heals all wounds.
In some cases, the more time passes,
the more it hurtsOur little conversations are turning into little sweet sensations
And they're only getting sweeter every time
Our friendly get-togethers are turning into visions of forever
If I just believe this foolish heart of mine
I can't pretend that I'm just a friend
'Cause I'm thinkin' maybe we were meant to be
i was alone in my room...w/ a very quiet surroundings w/ the two lights on...browsing in my laptop...lying in my bed...until i stopped..i hug my pillow...i was about to cry coz i feel so alone,its really boring....i was trying to sleep..but i can't...then u called...I HEARD UR VOICE OVER THE FONE...MY TEARDROPS STOP FROM FALLIN..U REALLY HAVE MAGIC..WHEN I THINK ABOUT U ALL MY FEARS HAS GONE AWAY...
you're all i need beside me girl you're all i need to turn my're inside my're all i need when we're apart...say say that u'll be there whenever i reached out to feel u're hand in mine..stay..stay w/in my heart whenever i'm alone i know that u are there....
i love the way you love me...strong and wild slow and easy heart and completely I LOVE....THE WAY YOU LOVE ME...
-music in my heart..- i dont know how we started..,
all i know is we are very close,
that we've been so comfortable w/ each other...
that we never get bored whenever we're together..
until one time i just realized that our friendship is goin further...
until we end up being LOVERS.... and im lovin it... ♥ ^_^ Only if i have a time machine so i could use it to replace all the mistake ive done to you ♥
On my own I've tried to make the best of it alone
I've done everything I can to ease the pain
But only you can stop the rain
I just can't live without you
I miss everything about youwhen you love someone, fight for what you feel.But if the one you love, loves someone else, “Let go...” Be like a soldier,knows when to fight and when to surrender.
If I keep on talking now
I'll only start repeating myself
And all I can say is
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
IF I KEEP MY HEART OUT OF song mode..We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
you cant predict what's bound to happen.. but sometimes, the thing you didn't expect is what you really wanted after all. maybe the best thing to do is to stop trying to figure out where you're going and just enjoy where life takes you
sometimes. it's not only the bad memories that's making you sad but also the best ones which, you know, will not happen for the second time.
I Wonder Why this Pain Never Stop.
Then, I Remember I was The One who Never Stop Loving You.I Can Never Get Him Out Of My Head. :')
I am Stronger Than you Know. :)
I'm Dying Inside But I'll Never Let it Show.3 words 8 letters, say it and im yours..
Posted by V.Alice at 15:46 0 comments